Friday, March 5, 2010


While Pandorum is not technically a horror film, there is enough violence and terror throughout to classify it as such. Pandorum, released in 2009, is a deep space movie, set aboard a spacecraft where things have gone terribly wrong. It harkens back to the classic Alien in its tone as a sci fi horror film. Also, think Pitch Black. It has a distinct political moral to tell, but even if you don't like that, it still tells a great story. This is one movie where it is best to go into it not knowing anything.

Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster are the two main characters in this movie. They wake up from hyper-sleep with memory loss and the audience goes along while they discover what has gone wrong on the ship. Ben Foster does an amazing job in this movie. Great performance! Dennis Quaid is not bad either. All of the actors are really good in this movie, but Ben Foster is just amazing. I did not see 3:10 to Yuma, but I did see him in X-Men 3.

The story moves along at breakneck speed, not giving any time for the viewer to get bored. It is just one great scene after another. There are no 10 minute scenes of crappy dialogue that you just want to fast forward through. The tone of this movie is bleak and terrifying. It really seems that there is no way out for the characters and it makes you face your own mortality in a unique way. The directing is as fast paced as the story, reminiscent of Saw with flashy cutting and quick editing. It is not terrible though as it helps keep up the quick pace of the movie.

The violence in this movie is fairly intense. Some viewers have complained about the level of violence, but I say bring it on!

I would have to say that this is one of my favourite movies of all time. It is an amazing experience. I watched this movie last night and have not been able to stop thinking about it. 5 out of 5.

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