Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Killing Gene (US Title) | wΔz (UK Title)

The hardest part of the first posting is deciding which movie to rate and review. I'm lazy and I'm going to take the easy way out and review a movie I just watched.

The summary can be found here:

The plot is basically about a woman who forces people to chose to kill someone they love or be tortured.

I purchased this movie based upon reviews about it in Internet Movie Database. Most of the reviews said that it was a good film with a lot of brutality. In all honesty, I was quite disappointed by the lack of brutality and gore. There are a couple scenes that make the viewer want to wince, such as when a nail is driven under the nailbed of person, but even these aren't graphic. The tone of the film is dark and gritty. It's set in always-night New York city, depicting the city in the worst light imaginable full of gangs and violence.

The movie is thought-provoking though. I will always try not to include spoilers, but there is a twist in the movie that I did not see coming. It was a unique twist that most movies don't do.

I think perhaps the worst part of the movie is Selma Blair. I really do not like her acting. It is always so pouty.

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