Saturday, November 14, 2009


Autopsy was part of the After Dark Horrorfest line up for 2008, as was the brilliant Frontiere(s) and the most horrid Dark Ride. There is a large space between those two films for this one to fall in. Luckily, Autopsy was closer to Frontiere(s) than to Dark Ride. Concededly this gory flick is low budget, but it works well within its constraints.

The plot is old and used, but suspenseful enough. Five teenagers get in a car accident and are transported to a hospital where Hippocratic Oath is thrown out the window. The movie is pretty predictable. You discover pretty quickly why the doctor is cutting up his patients, but it still does not ruin the fun. The main character, Emily, runs through the halls in the maze of a hospital trying to rescue her boyfriend. She happens upon the horrid things the doctor is doing and even suffers the brunt of some of these experiments. Robert Patrick who is best known as playing the T1000 in Terminator 2 plays the doctor in this film and the nurse is played by John Conner's foster mother. These famous actors help spice up the otherwise low-budget film. One of the teenagers is tripping on some unknown medicine throughout the whole film which brings some much needed levity to the intense scenes.

The gore in this movie really redeems all the flaws brought on by the tired script and sometimes lousy acting. There is good scare after good scare lined up with some of the most bloody disturbing scenes in a movie. One scene is highly reminiscent of Eli Roth's Hostel in which an orderly sands the fingerprints from a hand while standing in a room filled with severed body parts. There is one scene in the movie which is sure to disturb even the most hardened gorehound. But, I won't spoil it for you.

Overall, good scares, average plot, some good acting, some bad acting, 3 out of 5 stars. So, grab your rib separator and crack open this movie.

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